All Holistic Bodywork

60 Minutes ~ $120

90 Minutes ~ $180

120 Minutes ~ $240

Sauna or Epsom Salt Soak 30 Minutes ~ $45

Whole Spa per Hour ~ $100

Whole Spa Overnight ~ $500

BodyWorkshop for Couples and Friends 3 Hours ~ $360

Financial Need? Please ask about my sliding scale. My prices honor my 20 + years of experience but it is also important to me that bodywork is accessible. New Parents ~ ask for a 20% discount.


Integrative Massage for All Ages   

Long, connected and flowing strokes calm the nervous system and increase the circulation of blood and lymphatic fluid. Working the connections between muscles and bones and all along the spinal cord releases and frees the skeletal system and the communication pathways between brain and body. Holding deep gentle pressure on areas of stuck tissue allows unwinding and relaxation, making it more comfortable to be present in the body. This weaving of techniques emphasizes the holistic relationship between body, mind and spirit, the connectedness of all body systems to one another, and the connectedness between human beings, our world and our universe.


Preconception, Pregnancy, and Postpartum Massage

All the benefits of Integrative Massage are available during pregnancy, and all the more important as the structure of the body changes to support a new life. Pregnancy Massage helps increase mobility, improve the experience of being present in the body, and reduce the chance of injury.

Preconception Massage helps to prepare the body for conception and pregnancy. Mayan Abdominal Massage is an important component of preconception massage, with concentrated work on the lower back and abdomen to restore the flow of vital fluid, nerve supply and energy to the abdominal and pelvic organs. Unwinding adhesions allows the uterus and ovaries to re-settle into their optimal positions within the pelvic bowl. As we make these physical adjustments we also spend time visualizing the body as a safe, inviting and wonderful place to grow.

The Arvigo Techniques of Mayan Abdominal Massage were developed by Dr. Rosita Arvigo as a fusion between her western understanding of anatomy and physiology and the wisdom and methodology she gained from her 10 year apprenticeship with Belizean healer and shaman Don Elijio Panti. Don Elijio was known throughout his region for treating reproductive imbalances, particularly infertility. These powerful techniques restore health and vitality to the reproductive and digestive systems, and treat lower back and pelvic pain.

Postpartum Massage helps the body recover from labor and any strain or tension that develops during that monumental experience. Massage helps the body rest down from the excitement of labor and new parenting as well, benefitting the ability to sleep. Massage is also very helpful later during the post-partum period to address pains and imbalances caused by long held nursing and baby carrying positions.


Biodynamic Deep Tissue and Trigger Point Therapy   

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a technique of tracking the breath of life, the subtle respiration of the skeleton system as cranial fluid is pumped up and down the spinal cord to bathe the central nervous system. Trigger Point Therapy identifies points of congestion in the tissues and holds pressure there, them to slowly, gently, and thoroughly unwind. Deep Tissue Massage mobilizes stuck fascia and frees the body’s systems of communication and flow. I combine these techniques with Reiki as a deep tissue energy work that is effective for treating acute and chronic pain, nerve constriction, and generally increasing the flow of blood, lymphatic fluid, nerve impulses and energy throughout the body.

The Spa, the Sauna and the Tub

Ask about booking time in the Far Infrared Sauna or the six foot Soaking Tub before or after your session, or rent the entire spa by the hour, or even for a full evening of deep retreat in a space designed with pure relaxation in mind. The sauna’s far infrared heat penetrates deeply to relax and reduce inflammation. Epsom salts provide essential magnesium to reduce pain and soreness. The heat of both soothes tissues and increases circulation.

BodyWorkshop for Couples and Friends

This 3 hour experience for you and a loved one is designed to identify needs and share some simple techniques and skills that you can use to care for each other more effectively at home. This workshop will include an extended intake and discussion and approximately 1 hour of hands on treatment and education for each participant. We will address your unique needs, such as pain relief, mobility, and building care, comfort and closeness with your partner. You can take this workshop once or many times to build your skills in touch, massage, and healing presence.